When you are in school, you shouldn't just be a student, you should be a proactive student. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. If an opportunity isn't apparent, make one. Professors are paid to give you the answers. Your advisors are paid to get you on the right track. Clubs on campus are there to improve your resume and provide you opportunities. Internships are available to step into the professional world. Take advantage of all of things you come across. Despite any anxiety or fear of rejection, reach out to teachers, professors, or professionals. Put yourself out there and you begin the process of learning. It all begins with a simple email.
image \\ bizcon
But does the world of learning only exist in a room where computers and chalkboards are? Absolutely not. We have so much to learn as individuals and I challenge you to do so. Learn how to cook, bake, or the art of fine cuisine. Turning twenty one? Learn fine liquors and what a wine connoisseurs job is. Interested in crafting? Learn wood burning, knitting, or painting. Good at computers? Use youtube tutorials to teach yourself graphic design. Learn a new language! The opportunities are endless. All of these not only improve your resume, but they improve your attitude. You are now capable and knowledgeable, two of the most powerful tools humans possess.
While all of this might sound time consuming. There is such an emphasis on time-management. I am a firm believer in the busier the better. If you know that you only have an hour to complete and assignment, you either are going to do it now or not do it at all. This leaves the room for procrastination if you are not busy. This video gives us some great solutions for time management:
If you're struggling with managing all of your obligations currently, just show up. Being present is THE most important part to learning.
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